How Simplicity Reveals Life

How Simplicity Reveals Life

This morning, I was eating a really simple meal, with minimal seasoning, and I savored its deliciousness.

Often, I go the opposite way: I eat too much, too quickly, with an overwhelming number of flavors—and I barely taste any of it.

This is how I sometimes experience life: I do so much, so quickly. I have such an overwhelming amount of stuff going on that it’s hard to really experience any of it fully.

When I simplify, it’s not just about getting rid of stuff but also letting go of demands on my attention so I can more fully experience what’s right before me.

When I own fewer things, I can use those things fully and appreciate them as well.

When I have fewer things to do, I can pour myself into those tasks and truly experience them.

When I engage with fewer things online, I can engage with them more thoughtfully.

When I remove the extraneous, it gives me a chance to savor what’s left. The flavors can really shine. And my experience of this is that life is revealed when I have less in front of me.

That’s not an argument for always having or doing less. There’s something to be said for embracing the fullness of life. It’s about noticing what happens when I slow down, when I do less, and when I fully experience things instead of rushing through them so I can do more.

The fullness of life is often revealed in simplicity.

Leo Babauta is the author of six books and the writer of Zen Habits, a blog with over 2 million subscribers. Visit
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