Making the Most of the Afternoon Slump

Here are 8 suggestions to help you push through or work around periods of drowsiness.
Making the Most of the Afternoon Slump
Connecting with a loved one can be very rejuvenating, for both the body and heart. (Nikola Stojadinovic/Getty Images)
Barbara Danza

Many people experience an afternoon slump each day—a period of lower energy and motivation in the mid to late afternoon. There could be many reasons for this—perhaps you get up early each day, perhaps you’re crashing after too much sugar or caffeine, or perhaps you need more sleep at night or a boost in your nutrition. Perhaps this is just your body’s natural rhythm, and you might do well to simply work with it.

In the spirit of that last possibility, here are some ideas to make the most of your afternoon slump.


If your energy comes crashing down at, say, 3 p.m. each afternoon, you might consider taking a nap. If possible, close the curtains, grab a blanket, and see if 20 minutes of shut-eye doesn’t provide you with more energy to carry you through the evening.


Perhaps your slump doesn’t get you so sleepy that you need to shut down completely but just leaves you not as focused as the early morning hours did. Take the time to tackle those tasks that don’t require much brain power. Laundry, dishes, filing, tidying—anything that can be adequately done while listening to a podcast would make a great candidate for an afternoon slump task.


It’s counterintuitive, but exercise can actually increase energy. Step away from the day’s work and step outside for a brisk walk, or take a few minutes to stretch or lift weights. Movement may be just what your body needs when it feels like it’s heading for a slump.


Sometimes energy dips because we’re not feeding our body enough. A healthy snack and a tall drink of water may be just the thing to get past the lull in energy you experience at midday.


If you’ve spent the first part of your day working, take a break and phone a friend. Connection with loved ones can be rejuvenating, and it certainly enriches life overall. If you designate this time each day for connecting with someone you care about, how might your personal relationships be impacted?


A fun way to shift gears and recharge is to turn on some of your favorite music. Whatever makes you smile, encourages you to move, and provides a break in the day—enjoy it.


Sometimes we feel tired when we’re actually avoiding something. When the afternoon slump hits, ask yourself if there’s something you’re avoiding doing and if you’d feel energized if you simply got it done. If so, roll up your sleeves and tackle that thing.


You may notice you’re able to focus and work well every day for a few hours, but then that ability dwindles. During your afternoon slump, you might take steps to organize and prepare yourself for the next day rather than trying to muscle through. When you’re back to full focus, you’ll feel ahead of the game because of the simple preparation you did the afternoon prior.

Just like we need to manage our money or our diet, we also need to manage our energy. If you experience a daily afternoon slump, see if you can’t work with it to reduce your frustration and make the most of the hours when you’re working at full capacity.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is