8 Ways to Improve Self-Discipline

Start with small wins to encourage continuous growth.
8 Ways to Improve Self-Discipline
Patiently working toward longterm rewards without the need for instant gratification is the mark of true discipline. (YakubovAlim/Getty Images)
Barbara Danza

When you come to the end of each day, how do you tend to feel? Are you satisfied, typically, with the way you spent your day? Do you tend to hit the pillow feeling grateful for the opportunities that came your way and satisfied that you fulfilled your responsibilities, lived up to your own standards for yourself, and made progress toward your goals? Or do you usually find yourself wishing you’d procrastinated less, wasted less time, and stepped up more forthrightly in the face of challenges?

The difference between the two experiences tends to come down to one thing—self-discipline. Self-discipline is the unwavering force that separates dreams from reality and transforms potential into achievement.

How disciplined are you? How capable are you of directing your will to consistently do what you believe you should do? How strong are you in the face of temptations such as scrolling your phone or hitting the snooze?

Anyone can become more self-disciplined. It’s not some inborn character trait that only a few fortunate people have been bestowed with. It’s something you foster and strengthen over time.

Define Your Purpose

Take time to consider what you’re doing here on this little blue marble we call Earth. What are your highest aims in life? What do you believe God most wants for you? What is the greatest good you can focus your life’s work toward? Why do you believe this to be true? When you have strong reasons, self-discipline becomes easier to muster.

Set Specific Goals

What specific goals do you most wish to achieve in your life, and why? What’s the very next step you can take right now that will make some progress toward each goal? Breaking goals down into smaller and smaller tasks toward progress makes it easier to believe you can discipline yourself to consistently do the work it takes to achieve them.

Design Routines

What key daily routines would best support your life? They may relate to fitness, time management, your space, your family, your spiritual growth, or other aspects of your life. What are the most important habits you need to maintain, and what routine will you employ to stay consistent with them? Well-designed routines allow for good habits to become automatic over time, making self-discipline that much easier.

Embrace Delayed Gratification

Learn to patiently work toward long-term rewards without the need for instant gratification. Delaying immediate desires develops resilience and strengthens your self-discipline, ultimately leading to more fulfilling accomplishments.

Visualize Success

See your goals as tangible achievements—a completed project or a life transformed. By evoking the emotions associated with success, visualization becomes a powerful tool to bolster self-discipline and overcome obstacles, driving you forward when the going gets tough.

Plan for Setbacks

Setbacks are inevitable, but your response to them is what’s key. Embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, developing the mental strength necessary to persevere. Knowing that you’ll face setbacks, have a strategy in place to guide you through them.

Seek Accountability

External accountability is a powerful tool to ensure you’ll stay committed. Share your goals and progress with your spouse, a trusted friend, or a mentor. Engaging someone who wishes the very best for you and holds you accountable fosters discipline and offers support when times get tough.

Celebrate Small Wins

Any baby step toward progress is progress. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement creates a cycle of motivation, spurring further self-discipline and encouraging continuous growth.

Self-discipline may sound like a restrictive way of life, but actually, anyone who has mastered disciplining themselves knows that it’s what expands possibilities in life and furthers your ability to live up to your greatest potential. Self-discipline is a path to greater freedom.

Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is BarbaraDanza.com