What’s Your STAR Purpose? Facebook Marketing Genius Ben Simkin


What’s Your STAR Purpose? Episode 1:

With over $1.4 billion in sales, Facebook marketing genius Ben Simkin shares his incredible story and his secrets to preeminence and success.

More specifically, in this episode, you discover how a high school dropout from a poor family infrom Brisbane, Australia turned into a Facebook marketing legend and founded two very successful companies: BUSINESSNET.COM.AU in 2005 and THEMASTERMIND.COM.AU

Ben talks about some key attitudes that led to his success:

1. The importance of personal touch: serve, serve, serve!

2. Curiosity and hacking saved a company from total lock-down.

3. The power stories and identity shift prompted him to start his own company at the age of 20.

4. Knowledge is key to doing a good job. The principle of learning and applying it to your business.

5. How direct marketing kept doubling his 1st company for 7 years in a row.

6. The importance of making clients stay with you for a long time and spend more on you (for example, he had a client that spent $60,000 per month for 10 years).

7. His early days of internet marketing with renting e-mail lists and sending a scanned newspaper ads via e-mail, which generated 3 million dollars in sales.

8. The importance of charging a percentage of the results instead of charging a flat fee, preferably from high margin businesses.

9. The early days of Facebook Advertising in 2009 and generating 1 million dollars in sales per month.

10. The importance of referrals.

11. Put in $1 and get out $4 or $10 formula for Facebook advertising and then repeat, repeat, repeat!

12. How to create pre-eminence for your business and create value for your clients before they even transact.

13. The importance of buying and investing in companies and then growing them.

14. The Mastermind: creating an environment for entrepreneurs to connect and share their experiences.

15. The 3 key benefits of joining the Mastermind: entrepreneurial community that has the blueprint for practical things for massive growth; insights about overcoming obstacles and leveraging from other’s experience; friendship and understanding from similar people.

16. 11th of April 2017 NYC, get a preview of the results you can get by joining his 1- months program (95% of the people who joined 3 years ago are still on) www.themastermind.com.au/nyc

17. Get access for 3 days, every 3 months, to this entrepreneurial environment by joining Ben’s Mastermind program.

18. Ben’s advice for those that want to fulfill their purpose in life and business.

And much much more!

STAR Producer Academy helps mission-driven entrepreneurs create STAR Personal Brands online, so they can share their message with millions and build a lifestyle-friendly business.