Sillicon Valley Fremont Meditation Class


The Fremont Main Library conference room was crowded with people who came to learn about Falun Gong. With the help of volunteers, attendees carefully followed the exercise movements from the video projected on screen.

Bay Area resident Shilbi Chetry said, “You know when doing those mudras, there was some energy flowing in my body, like I could feel that. While doing those chakras, I really was moving something. There was something flowing, so I felt it.”

“Very calm, very relaxed,” remarked Bay Area architect Juan Rosael. “My whole body was following the hand movements, like in tune with the energy; really relaxing.”

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, was introduced in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi in China. Following the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance; practicing five sets of peaceful exercises; and reading the book Zhuan Falun people can feel the sense of purity and improvement of mind and body. At present, Falun Gong has spread to over 140 countries around the world, benefiting millions of people.

Bay Area software engineer Giri Karkera said, “This is a very enlightening session. I really liked because it’s really close to what my culture is, and I like it because I’m learning something new.”

“I definitely want to give it a try and see if it actually helps me in my daily life,” mentioned full-time mother Deepa Sampath. “ And I’ll definitely read through the book or listen to the lecture for sure, and see if it makes a difference.”

This was the fifth consecutive class at the Fremont Main Library. Those who have attended the classes felt significant health benefits. Through word of mouth, they attract more people to go learn. In the future, more classes will open to welcome more people to join.