Tuidang Statements May 20-23

The following is a selection of “Tuidang” (Quitting the Party) statements made by Chinese nationals on May 20-23, 2013.
Tuidang Statements May 20-23
The Chinese characters say 'Renounce the Chinese Communist Party.' (The Epoch Times)
Editor’s note: The Epoch Times publishes here direct translations of statements made by Chinese people who have renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliate youth organizations. Statements such as these are submitted to the Chinese language Epoch Times, Dajiyuan. The movement to renounce, withdraw from, or quit the CCP, called “Tuidang” in Chinese, began in late 2004, soon after The Epoch Times published the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” an editorial series that explores the nature and history of the CCP. These statements offer a rare and candid glimpse of history in the making. Chinese people are turning their backs on the Communist Party, choosing conscience over convenience, and peacefully ushering in a future China, free of Party rule.
The following is a selection of “Tuidang” (Quitting the Party) statements made by Chinese nationals on May 20-23, 2013.

Public Announcement to Withdraw from the CCP

My name is Chen Huichao, and I am a farmer who plows fields and sells jewelry. I came from a village in Banfu Town, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. In order to achieve fame and profit, I joined the CCP and eventually became a prefecture level cadre.

Naturally, I have both fame and abundant profit. I am a multi-millionaire now. However, because of this, in the still of the night, I cannot forgive myself. To redeem myself, I hereby openly withdraw from the CCP, so as to have peace in my heart.

Chen Huichao 5-20-13, 19:25

Corruption in Army and Society

I am an official with the CCP soldiers. For years, I watched all the corrupt activities that took place in the army and in society; it opened my eyes to the evil nature of the CCP. Now I declare that I withdraw from the CCP, and choose to support truthfulness-compassion-tolerance [ed., the three fundamental principles of the teachings of Falun Gong].
Zou Xiangshan 5-20-13, 14:11

Announcement of Withdrawing From the CCP

Through repeatedly reading of the Nine Commentaries, we have come to a clear understanding of the CCP’s past and ongoing heinous crimes. We felt more and more that the CCP is destroying our country and its people. It killed so many people, so God will for sure punish this devil. People will also bring it to justice. Therefore, we declare through the Epoch Times website that we withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Fu Fu, Fu Xing, Fu Yang, and three other people Hebei Province 5-21-13, 09:35

Solemn Declaration to Quit Communist Young Pioneer

Recently after going back to China, I realized the CCP has committed a lot of heinous crimes. I decided to use the quitting CCP website to declare my withdrawal from the evil CCP’s Young Pioneer—to erase the vows I made when joining it.
Qian Yexue Australia 5-22-13, 07:08

Declaration to Quit the CYL and CYP

I am a Christian, and I know that a disaster is in store for humankind. I also know how vowing to join the CCP, its Youth League, and Young Pioneer is not good for people. In order to have a good future, I declare to withdraw from the Youth League and Young Pioneer.
Zhang Meihao Shanghai 5-22-13, 08:16

I declare to withdraw from the CCP and leave behind the evil

I am a member of the evil CCP in Jiangsu. My name is “L, X.” I declare to quit the CCP and stay away from the evil. In fact, many people inside China want to quit the CCP, yet they couldn’t do that due to Internet censorship. I used software to break through the firewall. Thank you. Please help me to register. Thank you.
L, X 5-23-13, 03:43

Declaration to Withdraw From the CCP, CYL, and CYP

Since I was young, my family educated me to be a good person. However, under the Communist Party’s rule, more and more people turned bad, and morality degenerated rapidly. It is very hard to be a good person. After learning the truth, I got to know that the CCP is an evil party possessed by an evil specter. We voluntarily and firmly withdraw from its three organizations, and hope the CCP will end as soon as possible.
Wang Jiazheng, Wei Guo 5-23-13, 13:06

My Withdrawal From the Youth League

My disappointment with the CCP has turned to disgust. It took me some time to recognize the true face of this evil specter. Withdrawing from the Youth League is therefore a natural process.
Zhang Xiaohua Jiangxi Province 5-23-13, 21:46

My Withdrawal from the CYL

I had passed the age for being a member of the Youth League, but in order to truly express what’s in my heart, I now publically declare to withdraw from that organization. My vow when joining the organization is now invalid.
Xiong Rujing Jiangxi Province 5-23-13, 21:41

Withdraw from the Chinese Communist Youth League

I joined the Communist Youth League in 2006. Now I have probably reached the age to automatically withdraw from the CCP. However, the real face of the CCP and its affiliated organizations uses lies to fool people, and violence to crackdown on them. The continuous rights demonstrations in mainland China make it more apparent. I don’t want any of the evil specter’s mark on myself. I would like to erase its mark through the “Epoch Times Quitting CCP” website. Thank you!!

Wu Feiyu 5-20-13, 18:28