Opéra de Québec Founder Guy Bélanger: ‘Shen Yun shows there’s light, there’s hope’

Jan 06, 2017
Opéra de Québec Founder Guy Bélanger: ‘Shen Yun shows there’s light, there’s hope’

“The lights, finesse, colours, the beauty—it’s great to have a presentation like this to give a portrayal of China’s heritage.”
“The temperament of the choreographers, the refinement—it brings honour to the people who had the idea to put this performance together.”
“The conductor did a magnificent job—interesting harmonies. The music punctuates the action like in cinema, like a soundtrack. It is diverse. Bravo!”
“What is [Shen Yun] doing after this—that’s what I am asking myself—next year? After tonight’s production, I’m eager to see what Shen Yun will do next.”
“It’s a period where we’re searching for answers. [Shen Yun] brings an extremely interesting angle.”
“In all cultures, we’re asking where things go in life and death. ... Shen Yun shows there’s a light, there’s hope. ... It’s good that the producers take on these profound questions. It’s good to remind ourselves in a very artistic way.”

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