Stopping Cellular Stress May Be Key in Treating Early-Onset Dementia: Study

Neurodegenerative diseases like early-onset dementia and Alzheimer’s are characterized by protein buildup in the brain, which triggers a stress response.
Stopping Cellular Stress May Be Key in Treating Early-Onset Dementia: Study
Cara Michelle Miller

Memory loss, changes in communication, and confusion are all signs and symptoms of neurodegenerative conditions like dementia. But what is going on inside the brain?

A new study finds that cell stress could be to blame. Turning off this stress response rescues brain cells like those affected by early-onset dementia, offering a promising new way to combat degenerative brain diseases.

As the U.S. population ages, the prevalence of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, increases. But some degenerative brain diseases start early in life; early-onset dementia, for example, occurs when people develop dementia symptoms before the age of 65.

Alarmingly, the average age of someone living with this disease is 49, with diagnosis rates having increased by 200 percent over the past decade. Currently, there are no treatments to cure neurodegenerative diseases, as most efforts to save brain cells have had little success.
But a research team’s revolutionary discovery, published in Nature, may explain why these efforts have largely failed.

Current Treatments Focus on Protein Buildup in the Brain

It is well-known that neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s are characterized by an abnormal buildup of two key proteins, amyloid and tau, in the brain. These clumps, called aggregates, are believed to cause the brain cells to function less well—as seen with memory loss—and to ultimately die.

As a result, treatments focus on dissolving and eliminating the accumulated aggregates.

However, the team of scientists at the University of California–Berkeley (UC Berkeley) conducting the new study found that some of these degenerative conditions are driven by brain cell stress response rather than the protein aggregates themselves.

“We realized that even though there was this correlation, there was no clear causative link between a protein aggregate and the neuronal deaths,” lead researcher Michael Rapé, professor and head of the Division of Molecular Therapeutics at UC Berkeley, told The Epoch Times.

When investigating how these cells die, researchers found that the body’s failure to shut down the nerve cells’ stress response was the lethal factor killing the brain cells.

Nonstop Stress Response Kills Brain Cells

How does your brain keep cognition sharp?
By regularly sending a signal to alert a clean-up crew, primarily made up of microglia, to clear out the unwanted debris, including protein buildup. When the job is done, the stress signal turns off.

Mr. Rapé has a simple analogy to explain this mechanism: You not only need to clean up your room but also turn out the light before going to bed. If you don’t turn off the light, you can’t fall asleep.

The machine that cleans up the debris in the brain and “silences” the stress response is called the silencing factor of the integrated stress response (SIFI).

But, when SIFI can’t do its job, the proteins continue to accumulate, triggering a nonstop stress response. In people whose stress response stays activated—as if the lights were left on night after night—the cells die.

“The SIFI complex is needed for cells to survive when they are stressed out by proteins not being delivered into the mitochondria,” explained Mr. Rapé. “If they don’t get to the mitochondria, [instead] the proteins form aggregates” in and around the brain cells.

Mitochondria are often called the powerhouse of cells, breaking down food into usable energy for cells. When the proteins are diverted from the mitochondria, it triggers a stress response to clear out the mess.

“Aggregates don’t kill cells directly,” Mr. Rapé explained. It is the stress response staying on, meaning these diseases could be treated with an inhibitor that turns it off.

Silencing Stress Saves Cells

The team administered a drug compound that successfully turned off the stress response and, in turn, rescued cells that mimic those affected by early-onset dementia. This result opens the door to potential new ways to treat neurodegenerative diseases.

The team also found that the therapeutic drugs worked without dissolving the protein clumps. This finding suggests that the real danger from these aggregates is how they perpetuate cellular stress.

“You don’t have to worry about completely getting rid of large aggregates, which changes how we think about treating neurodegenerative diseases,” added Mr. Rapé.

Based on the research, Mr. Rapé believes the “best way to treat neurodegenerative disease would be a combination therapy that keeps aggregates at bay and silences stress response signaling at the same time.”

The research highlights several other neurodegenerative disorders, such as Mohr-Tranebjærg syndrome and Leigh syndrome, that exhibit similar overactive stress responses and share symptoms with early-onset dementia.
The study also suggested that this mechanism could be relevant to diseases that feature widespread protein aggregation, like late-stage Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. Further research is necessary to explore the impact of silencing stress signaling in these conditions.
Cara Michelle Miller is a freelance writer and holistic health educator. She taught at the Pacific College of Health and Science in NYC for 12 years and led communication seminars for engineering students at The Cooper Union. She now writes articles with a focus on integrative care and holistic modalities.
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