Rethink Your Drinks and Hydrate Right This Summer With Tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Rethink Your Drinks and Hydrate Right This Summer With Tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Blackberr lemonade(Shutterstock*)

With the official start of summer and temperatures on the rise, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reminds everyone to rethink your drink and keep hydrated during summer months and throughout the year.

“With warmer temperatures and increased outdoor activities of a typical summer, it is important that everyone make sure their bodies are getting the fluids they need to stay healthy and avoid dehydration,” said registered dietitian nutritionist and Academy Spokesperson Kelly Pritchett. “With an almost endless variety of beverages to choose from, we need to make smart choices when it comes to hydrating right while keeping calories in check.”

Studies suggest calorie intake from beverages has more than doubled since the 1960s, primarily due to a surge in soft drink, sports drink and sweetened tea consumption. “According to the research, people don’t balance out these extra liquid calories by eating less from food or by increasing physical activity,” Pritchett says. “Over the long run, these additional beverage calories can lead to energy imbalance and weight gain.”

Pritchett offers four tips for quenching your thirst and maintaining energy balance at the same time:


Drink Plenty of Refreshing, Calorie-Free Water

Whether it’s bottled or from the tap, water does the body good. Without any unnecessary calories, it helps your muscles and brain stay hydrated for optimal physical and mental performance. “Add slices of citrus fruit, strawberries or cucumber to water to make the flavor more appealing, which may help you drink more,” Pritchett says. How much water you need depends on your gender, size and activity level; larger, more active people need more fluids. Drink enough for your urine to be pale or almost colorless.

Limit Soda and Sugar-sweetened Drinks

More than 35 percent of added sugars in the United States come from soft drinks. “Make beverages like soda, sweetened teas, fruit drinks, sports drinks, ‘energy’ drinks or your favorite coffee drink a special treat instead of a daily need,” Pritchett says. “They have little if any nutrition value, and they add a significant amount of calories to your diet.” Sports drinks are appropriate for athletes engaged in moderate to high intensity exercise that lasts an hour or longer.

Add Milk and Milk-Alternatives Daily

Milk is one of the best sources of calcium for the body and can be a good way to keep hydrated since it contains almost 90 percent water. “Whether it’s flavored or unflavored, milk offers calcium, phosphorus, protein, riboflavin and vitamin D,” Pritchett says. Non-dairy alternatives that are fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be nutrient-rich alternatives for vegans and those with milk allergies or intolerances.

Drink Alcohol in Moderation

Barbecues, picnics, beach parties and baseball games are all traditional venues for drinking alcohol, but alcohol actually has a diuretic effect, meaning it can dehydrate the body. “If you feel thirsty, drink water first and alternate a glass or two of water in between each alcoholic beverage to keep your body hydrated,” Pritchett says. Women should limit themselves to one alcoholic drink per day, while men should limit consumption to two drinks per day.

“Fluids, like food, are essential for our health, but it’s important to remember that not all beverages are treated the same,” Pritchett says.

From Newswise

*Images of “blackberry lemonade“ and ”vitamin water“ via Shutterstock

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