Mouth Breathing Could Be Sabotaging Your Health, Experts Warn

Mouth breathing can lead to a load of issues, including ADHD-like symptoms. Nasal breathing unlocks numerous health benefits.
Mouth Breathing Could Be Sabotaging Your Health, Experts Warn
Zena le Roux

Are you unwittingly shortchanging your health every time you take a breath?

The simple act of breathing through your mouth may be silently undermining your well-being—from disrupting your sleep to stunting your physical development. But the surprising cure could be as close as the tip of your nose.

What’s So Bad About Mouth Breathing?

The nose is designed for smelling and breathing, while the mouth is for talking, tasting, and eating.

Problems arise when body parts operate outside their intended functions, according to Dr. Mark Burhenne, a family and sleep medicine dentist. The airway can collapse when breathing through the mouth, as the air is forced through the airway at a much larger volume compared to nose breathing, he said.

Mouth breathing is also one of the most likely causes of gum disease and cavities. It can damage the gums and the soft tissues lining the mouth, disrupting the natural balance of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Many other health issues in children are associated with mouth breathing, including abnormal facial development and growth and poor sleep. Mouth breathing can even affect academic performance and blood pressure, produce symptoms similar to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and worsen asthma.
“Mouth breathing leads to shorter, shallower, and upper chest breathing, which induces the stress response in the mind-body complex,” Dr. Priyal Modi, an integrative medical doctor and breathwork practitioner in Johannesburg, South Africa, told the Epoch Times. 

Other effects of mouth breathing include bad breath, tooth decay, gum disease, throat irritation, infections, dry mouth, hoarseness, and respiratory fatigue, Dr. Modi added. It is associated with deprived sleep, loss of concentration and memory, mood metabolism, snoring, fatigue, brain fog, raised blood pressure, chronic stress, and anxiety, she noted.

Mouth breathing has become more prominent due to stressful lifestyles, poor diet, obesity, nasal congestion, or structural abnormalities such as a deviated septum, nasal polyps, enlarged turbinates, or tonsils, Dr. Modi said.

The Benefits of Nose Breathing

Nose breathing allows air to undergo a thorough purification process before reaching the lungs. As the air passes through the nasal structures, including the nasal hairs, cilia, cavities, and turbinates, it transforms. These nasal structures filter, disinfect, humidify, and purify the air, removing dust, allergens, and pollutants. The nasal airway also introduces nitric oxide into the air we breathe.

Nitric oxide plays a vital role in various neurobiological functions, such as memory and behavior. It also helps regulate blood pressure and inflammation. Additionally, nitric oxide has shown potential benefits in the management of obesity, with studies in mice suggesting it may promote weight loss. Research in animal models indicates that nitric oxide can have pain-relieving effects and even exhibit antidepressant-like properties.

In his book, James Nestor, an award-winning science journalist and author of “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art,” writes that nasal breathing can boost nitric oxide production sixfold. This means that by breathing through the nose, we can absorb 18 percent more oxygen compared to breathing through the mouth, he added. Mr. Nestor’s research delves deep into the intricate mechanisms of the respiratory system, revealing the nose’s vital role in optimizing bodily functions.

“When breathing through our noses, it clears air, heats it and moistens it for easier absorption. Most people know this. But what so many people never consider is the nose’s unexpected role in problems like erectile dysfunction. Or how it can trigger a cavalcade of hormones and chemicals that ease digestion or lower blood pressure. How it responds to the stages of a woman’s menstrual cycle. How it regulates our heart rate, opens the vessels in our toes and regulates our heart rate,” Mr. Nestor writes.

The erectile dysfunction drug Viagra works by releasing nitric oxide into the bloodstream, which opens up the capillaries in the genitals and other areas of the body.

The nasal airways also have antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. What’s more, nasal breathing slows the breath, leading to better recruitment of the diaphragm, according to Dr. Modi. This is calming and allows for more efficient oxygen uptake, she noted.

By shifting from mouth to nostril breathing, we can unlock a plethora of health benefits and enhance our overall well-being.

An Unexpected Sleep Hack

Mouth taping ensures you’re getting adequate air through the nostrils while sleeping.

Mr. Nestor experimented on himself and found that mouth taping reduced his snoring from four hours to just 10 minutes and also eliminated his sleep apnea events, which had previously occurred two dozen times.

A 2022 study published in Healthcare (Basel) demonstrated two key concepts. First, many patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are mouth breathers, and mouth breathing exacerbates the severity of OSA. Second, mouth taping during sleep can improve the severity of sleep apnea and reduce snoring.
Based on these findings, the researchers suggested that mouth taping could serve as an alternative treatment before resorting to more invasive options, such as surgery or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

Breathwork Techniques to Try

“The breath is an underutilized tool when it comes to performance and well-being,” functional breath coach Ross Austen told the Epoch Times. “Once you start to understand the science and the nervous system, you can start to piece things together and have a bigger appreciation of the impact of breathwork.” The good news is, he added, that the breath is trainable, and once we grasp the fundamentals, it can assist with improving our well-being and performance. He recommends the following breathwork techniques to promote calm and relaxation:
  • Extended exhale breathing: inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds (repeat)
  • Cadence breathing: inhale for 3 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds, hold for 3 seconds (repeat)
  • 478 breathing: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds (repeat)
  • Physiological sigh: deep inhale, second inhale, sigh out
Another breathing technique to consider is alternate nostril breathing. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research suggested that this practice significantly influences the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system when done for 15 minutes daily for six weeks.

In the book “The Breath of Life, or Mal-Respiration: And Its Effects Upon the Enjoyments & Life of Man,” written in the 1800s and now considered a classic, author George Catlin writes in the final paragraph: “And if I were to endeavor to bequeath to posterity the most important Motto which human language can convey, it should be in three words – SHUT-YOUR-MOUTH … where I would paint and engrave it, in every Nursery, and on every Bed-post in the Universe, its meaning could not be mistaken. And if obeyed, its importance would soon be realized.”

Zena le Roux is a health journalist with a master’s in investigative health journalism, and a certified health and wellness coach, specializing in functional nutrition. She is also trained in sports nutrition, mindful eating, internal family systems, and applied polyvagal theory. She works in private practice and is a nutrition educator for a UK-based health school.
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