Rights Abuses Throw Shadow on China Conference

Acting China Vice Premier Xhang Dejian, sued for being a party to torture and murder in Australia will be the honored guest in a sister cities conference. NGOs insist on a human rights dialog.
Rights Abuses Throw Shadow on China Conference
, right.  (Alexander M. Hamrle/Epoch Times)"] <a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/GermanNGO2008-09-10-xxl--10.09.2008_IMG_7949_new.JPG" alt="Helmut Steckel, spokesperson for the Tibet Initiative in Germany, Hamburg Section, on the left, and Ulrich Delius, representative for Asia for the German Society for Threatened People [Gesellschaft fuer Bedrohte Voelker], right.  (Alexander M. Hamrle/Epoch Times)" title="Helmut Steckel, spokesperson for the Tibet Initiative in Germany, Hamburg Section, on the left, and Ulrich Delius, representative for Asia for the German Society for Threatened People [Gesellschaft fuer Bedrohte Voelker], right.  (Alexander M. Hamrle/Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1833738"/></a>
, right. (Alexander M. Hamrle/Epoch Times)"] Helmut Steckel, spokesperson for the Tibet Initiative in Germany, Hamburg Section, on the left, and Ulrich Delius, representative for Asia for the German Society for Threatened People [Gesellschaft fuer Bedrohte Voelker], right.  (Alexander M. Hamrle/Epoch Times)

Visitor Zhang Dejian symbolizes state censure and oppression, said Ulrich Delius, and asks whether Hamburg’s mayor Ole van Beust had learned his lessons concerning open discussion topics of law and justice in meetings between the sister cities Hamburg and Shanghai, “and now someone arrives from China who is responsible for mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners, and for censuring information relating to catastrophes.”

Mr. Delius, of the German Society for Threatened People, demands of mayor Beust that he raise additional human rights questions during the sister city partnership meetings that are beginning today, and are sponsored by The China Times.

Mr. Speckel from the Tibet Initiative in Hamburg commented that he cannot imagine the doings of Mr. Zhang, being unknown to anyone during his visit, and is astonished that his actions for the past few years are swept under the carpet. Doing so and permitting such an individual to arrive in Hamburg in the first place. “throws a shadow over the China Conference.” Hamburg should have resorted to a person from China whose life history is devoid of such sinister acts.

Sued for Torture and Murder

A lawsuit claimed that Zhang was the responsible authority for at least 33 persecution-caused deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in China during his tenure as CCP Secretary for Guangdong Province between 2002 and 2007. He was served with a lawsuit during a state visit to Australia in 2005, the summons charged him with torture and murder.

To better foster and integrate human rights situations during sister city events, the German delegation in China ought to be given access to forced labor camps to arrive at their own conclusions. “This would not guarantee an objective picture, because China would ‘prep’ the camps prior to any official visit, but would afford better access to Chinese citizens.”

Germany had invited Zhang for a visit. He arrived last Sunday. Besides a reception with Chancellor Merkel, he is slated to inspect/visit several German enterprises.

Zhang and German Foreign Minister Steinmeier will officiate at the opening ceremony of the economic “Hamburg Summit: China Meets Europe.”

Read original article in German