Man Had Vision of His Future Daughter. Decades Later, He Is Stunned to See Her Face

Man Had Vision of His Future Daughter. Decades Later, He Is Stunned to See Her Face
 (Illustration - Shutterstock)

A man had a vision of his future daughter when he was just a child, and her name was Chloe. After he got married, he and his wife tried to have a child for years, but without success. When they almost lost all hope, they finally met a woman who would change their lives forever.

Walt Manis grew up on a farm in Arkansas. When Walt was just 10 or 12 years old, he saw his future daughter in a vision. “God gives me a very vivid picture of a little kid,” Walt said in a YouTube video posted by Moving Works.

The vision was so vivid that Walt could see clearly what her future daughter looked like. He saw her dark hair and her olive skin. And he even knew her name—it was Chloe.

Photo courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annie Schulte Manis</a>
Photo courtesy of Annie Schulte Manis

For years, he never forgot that image. He was sure that he would definitely have a daughter. However, things did not turn out as he expected after getting married and trying to have a baby with his wife.

Walt and his wife, Annie, knew each other since childhood. They grew up as neighbors living across the pasture from each other. Their families often gathered together, and they played together ever since they were little. After they grew up, they fell in love and decided to get married.

At the beginning of their marriage, they didn’t think about having children but just traveled around the world. A few years later, they decided it was time to start a family. Annie told Walt that she wanted to have a daughter and she had thought of a name already. Annie wanted to name the girl Chloe. Walt was stunned.

Photo courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annie Schulte Manis</a>
Photo courtesy of Annie Schulte Manis

Walt then told Annie about his childhood dream. They were both excited and felt they were destined to share their lives together—and with their daughter Chloe.

However, the excitement gradually faded. Four years later, they still didn’t have any children. The couple was crushed and had to face the cruel reality that they may never have kids.

But their desire to be parents was still strong, so they decided to adopt. Annie received an email from the adoption agency one day, saying they had found a girl for the couple—a pregnant woman had chosen them to be the baby’s parents.

Photo courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annie Schulte Manis</a>
Photo courtesy of Annie Schulte Manis

The couple decided to visit their future daughter’s biological mother, Allison. When Walt saw Allison, he was taken aback—she was an adult version of the girl in his dream!

But that’s not all that shocked the couple. After chatting with Allison for a while, they talked about the baby’s name. When Allison told them the baby’s name she had had in her mind, Annie burst into tears. Guess what the name was? It was Chloe.

“We were just floored,” Walt said. Annie chimed in: “I don’t even remember what we did exactly, I just know that I was ugly crying.”

Photo courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Annie Schulte Manis</a>
Photo courtesy of Annie Schulte Manis

Walt and Annie knew wholeheartedly that they'd finally met the daughter they were meant to have after so many years of waiting. And when Chloe came into the world on Feb. 17, 2010, Walt saw the daughter he had been waiting decades for.

Both Walt and Annie felt complete and overjoyed to finally be parents. There were times that the couple almost gave up hope, but they didn’t. In the end, everything seems to have turned out well, just the way it was meant to be.

This incredible story serves to remind us that in life, some things are destined to happen—and everything happens for a reason.

Watch Walt and Annie’s touching story :
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