Abandoned Dog Shot Dead by Police After Being Left Tied to Telegraph Post in Cold Weather

Abandoned Dog Shot Dead by Police After Being Left Tied to Telegraph Post in Cold Weather
Epoch Newsroom

A dog that was left abandoned and tied to a telegraph post in freezing weather was shot by police over the weekend.

The dog was tied to the pole and left despite the harsh winter cold.

Witnesses alerted police officers, who then brought in animal control personnel to try to calm the German Shepherd, but those attempts failed, reported the Gazette Live. The situation took place in Hartlepool in the United Kingdom.
“The decision to destroy the dog has not been taken lightly and this was the very last course of action that we wanted to take,” a spokesperson for Cleveland Police said.

“All attempts to calm the dog failed. Vets advised that they were unable to sedate the dog due to not being able to approach it and not having equipment to sedate from a distance. Unfortunately, veterinary professionals advised that the dog could not be re-homed due to its aggressive behavior.”

However, many people wondered why the dog was not sedated before being killed.

A picture of the shepherd is being circulated on social media with the caption “You did not deserve to die.”
Clare Pittman, a bystander, said that what happened was a “travesty,” reported the Telegraph.

“Myself and several others offered to re-home the dog. A man who used to be in the Navy turned up with a specialized suit and had previous experience with dangerous dogs. He offered to deal with the dog but police shut him down,” she told the outlet.

And another bystander, Paul White, said that “it was handled in the complete wrong way.”

He added, “The dog wasn’t aggressive, it was scared. The dog barked once while I was there, the other time the dog barked was when it saw the rifle getting passed over the fence.”

People commenting on the Dog Theft Awareness North East UK Facebook page were also irate.

“Beautiful dog why was it shot could they not just dart it good job it wasn’t my dog someone’s head would roll for that, heartless,” said one.

Added another, “Disgusting!!! This poor dog was obviously going to be stressed and terrified in that situation and lash out. It must have been so confused. How could they have just classed it as aggressive and shot it!!!!”

From NTD.tv
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