Local Literati: A Sonnet for Columbus Day

To hear valiant statutes whisper their tale, Within the silence of posterity...
Local Literati: A Sonnet for Columbus Day
Evan Mantyk
To hear valiant statutes whisper their tale,
Within the silence of posterity,
To tack up town with brave cannon and sail,
Find the quintessence of New York City.

Though the air is poisoned with taxi smoke,
General George in Union Square does not choke,
Though Time Square’s flashing lights do nauseate,
Mercury flies above us, no less great,
Though the sun’s held hostage by skyscrapers,
Through gaps, a tapestry of light escapes.

And at the circle, Columbus stands tall,
Facing an obtuse glass and concrete wall,
Behind him, his vast green legion awaits,
Loyal to a man and culture so great.

Send your New York-focused or set prose/poetry to [email protected] for publication in Local Literati.
Evan Mantyk is an English teacher in New York and President of the Society of Classical Poets.