27 Healthy Vegan Snack Recipes

27 Healthy Vegan Snack Recipes

‘Elevenses’ was the term they came up with to describe that grumbly tummy feeling you get around 11am. You know, a few hours after a quick breakfast of like, a banana and coffee, but two hours before your lunch break. You’re hungry and realise lunch is just around the corner, but if you don’t eat something right now, you’re going to be a full-on grump until you get your mid-day meal.

Or maybe your slump happens after lunch: you’ve been in the office all day, and know you'll never get out of there on time. Which means dinner seems very far away indeed…

It’s not just us, either: kids get hungry between meals too. Unfortunately, no matter what the age, the easiest snacks to go for are often pure crap. That’s right, I said it. Most chocolate bars, bags of chips/crisps/whatever you want to call them (depending on your accent and continent), packaged cakes (or anything that comes wrapped, in fact) barely even qualifies as ‘food.’ It’s time to take control over our own health and make our own snacks at home.

Whether you like your snacks sweet or savoury, low GI or gluten free or a combination of all of these, there’s surely something for you below. Some of them can even be combined: think crackers with hummus, apple slices with chocolate dip, and so on. But mainly, I just selected these healthy vegan snack recipes because they all tasted amazing!

1. Cheesy Vegan Homemade Kale Chips


Who doesn’t enjoy a bag of delicious cheesy crisps? But those bags of popular branded crisps are packed full of hydrogenated fats and often contain seriously high levels of salt and even sugar. But there’s good news – with the clean eating lifestyle gaining real momentum, we’re seeing new ways to enjoy ‘crisps’ without reaching for junk food, thanks to healthy subs like kale chips. nd these cheesy kale chips are a really good substitute. These are quick and super affordable to make, and perfect as an afternoon snack for both parents and children.

Get the recipe here.


2. Baked Cinnamon Apple Crisps


Prefer your afternoon snack a little sweeter? It’s just as easy to make apple crisps with two simple ingredients; apple slices and cinnamon. These are a great treat to steer you away from eating on unhealthy foods which may pick you up and give you a little energy boost, but will inevitably cause you to crash an hour or so after. These are 100% healthy, good for you and most importantly, they taste amazing! Proceed with caution though, as these are incredibly addictive!

Get the recipe here.


3. Chipotle & Lime Oven Baked Tortilla Chips


If you don’t already know of the delight that is baked tortilla chips dunked into a (healthy) dip and then dropped into your mouth, you’ve got to take note and try this recipe. Whether you like a chunky bean dip or a fancy pants salsa, this is a perfect snack to serve up when having guests round. It’s really easy to make these tortilla chips and they’re so flavorsome from the zesty lime and spice of the chipotle.

Get the recipe here.


4. Zucchini Hummus


Hummus has been around for a zillion years in the Middle East, but recently it’s been getting a lot of good press in the West as the perfect snack to have on hand in your fridge. Whether you scoop some gluten free crackers or vegetable crudites in it, layer it on some rye bread or mix it into a salad, it’s versatile and has a great flavour. That being said, not everyone is a fan of chickpeas. I know, hard to believe, right? But that’s okay because this recipe replaces chickpeas with zucchini and leaves you with a silky smooth hummus dip.

Get the recipe here.


5. Beetroot Hummus


How stunning does this look? There’s something about bright, vibrant food that just appeal to my taste buds. This beetroot hummus is another variation of the traditional recipe. Eating the same foods can become repetitive and dull, so it’s always good to have different ways of enjoying something you love.

Get the recipe here.


6. Black Bean & Lime Dip


Unsure what to do with a spare can of black beans? Make this dip of course! It’s super high in protein, too, making this a perfect snack to whip up before or after you’ve hit the gym. Goes great with crudites, crackers or of course…tortilla chips. Arriba!

Get the recipe here.


8. Chocolate Fudge Dipping Sauce (for nuts or fruit)


I can almost feel the Mexican wave-like ripple of hands rising if I were to ask, ‘who loves chocolate sauce’? But chocolate sauce is something that we usually associate with guilt as it’s laden with all things bad for us. Don’t we all wish there was a way to enjoy a healthy chocolate sauce that is even, dare I say it, good for us? Well, now you can. I found this gem of a recipe that not only holds just three simple ingredients, but can even be deemed healthy, especially if you’re dipping fruit into it.

Get the recipe here.


9. Double Dipped Chocolate Frozen Bananas


Freezing your ‘nana’s to create smoothies and ice cream is a trend that has been increasingly popular within the health community, but how about making these banana popsicles? Dipping them in chocolate allows you to then add some crushed nuts and vegan chocolate chips to give them a little bit of a crunch. These are a great recipe to have on hand when looking after children or even enjoying yourself in the afternoon with a well deserved mug of tea.

Get the recipe here.


10. Maple Candied Pecans


I adore candied nuts. It reminds me of little concession stands in London that sell sugared almonds. The smell is so heavenly, especially when it’s freezing cold out. These pecans are made sweet from maple syrup and a little sea salt to give it that heavenly sweet/salty combo. Make a batch of these and store them in a lock tight jar and snack on a handful when that sugar craving strikes, or if you’re feeling indulgent, crush a few up and sprinkle them onto yogurt or your morning porridge.

Get the recipe here.


11. The Best Vegan Popcorn


Popcorn has been a go-to snack for years. Personally, I’m a massive fan. But a lot of popcorn brands aren’t vegan friendly; they contain lots of butter and sugar, and frankly, it’s much more affordable to pop it yourself. This way, you also have total control over the seasonings. The chefs from hot for food are geniuses when it comes to whipping up vegan recipes that mirror non-vegan comfort foods, so this popcorn recipe should be jotted down. You can even tweak it slightly if you want more savoury popcorn – add some garlic or onion powder. Want it a little sweeter? Drizzle some maple syrup across it.

Get the recipe here.


12. Salt & Vinegar Chickpeas


I don’t know what it is about salt and vinegar, but just thinking about it makes my mouth start to water. It’s such a fabulous combination; the saltiness against the sharp tang of vinegar. If you’re looking for a salt and vinegary snack then you have to try these chickpeas. They are gorgeous! You could even make a huge batch and freeze some so that they’re on hand in the future when you fancy some.

Get the recipe here.


13. Cajun Roasted Chickpeas


If you’re in the mood for something spicy, then these Cajun chickpeas are a great option. When roasted, chickpeas go hard and crunchy and full of flavour making them a healthy yet tasty snack.

Get the recipe here.


14. Matcha Pistachio Bliss Balls


Bliss balls are a brilliant afternoon snack. You know when your energy levels start to slump in the afternoon and suddenly the idea of a nap seems like heaven? No more! These bliss balls pack so much nutritional energy into bite sized balls, you eat them and feel amazing pretty fast. This recipe even incorporates matcha green tea into the mix which is SUPER good for you. Be prepared to feel like superwoman.

Get the recipe here.


15. Hemp Seed Energy Balls


Another raw recipe that literally involves no baking. Just the measuring of ingredients, the mixing of them and then popping these balls into the freezer so they can set.

Get the recipe here.


16. Date & Fig Coconut Rolls


Date and coconut rolls are one of my favourite things to eat. I absolutely worship dates, and eat them all the time. I can see why medjool dates are often referred to as ‘nature’s candy’ because they’re like a bite of pure caramel. These rolls combined with coconut and figs are a sweet treat to enjoy with a nice hot tea, and are way healthier than a biscuit.

Get the recipe here.


17. Sweet & Savoury Pistachio Stuffed Dates


An Arabian classic, Medjool dates are delicious, but stuffing them with nut butters or nuts are a great way of adding more healthy fats into your snacking and also enjoying a fulfilling snack. Pack a few of these pistachio stuffed dates and take them in a little pot in your bag for when you’re out and about and in need of a snack. It'll help you to make healthier choices when you’re prepared for situations when hunger rears its ugly head.

Get the recipe here.


18. Peanut Butter & Celery Sticks


These are such a quick and easy snack to whip up when you’re short of time but looking for a snack to keep you going. It’s simply celery sticks filled with peanut butter and sprinkled with hemp seeds. This recipe is actually popular with children and is usually named ‘ants on a log’ and features raisins as well. So why not make them with the children for a fun snack?

Get the recipe here.


19. Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies


Sometimes the only thing that will do with a hot mug of tea or coffee is a delicious cookie. These oatmeal and raisin cookies are the perfect recipe to whip up and have on hand. They’re much healthier than the commercial cookies you'd find in supermarkets, which are normally filled with palm oil (which usually contributes to rainforest destruction), saturated fats and preservatives.

Get the recipe here.


20. Strawberry Oat Squares


Another recipe from Angela Liddon of Oh She Glows, but sorry – that girl knows how to bake! These strawberry oat squares with homemade jam not only look mouth wateringly-good, they’re healthy, too, making these the perfect go-to snack when you’re in need of something sweet and tasty. Plus, who doesn’t look anything with strawberries in it?

Get the recipe here.


21. Strawberry, Chocolate and Roasted Pistachio Chia Pudding


Another chia seed recipe simply to show how versatile chia seed are. The fun fact is that they will absorb any liquid you want them to taste like – and this strawberry and chocolate mix is really lovely! For added substance you can add chopped fruit and crushed nuts on top of it as a healthy snack.

Get the recipe here.


22. Melon Protein Smoothie


Smoothies are the perfect go-to snack for summers. They’re quick to make, incredibly healthy and the best part is how easily adaptable they are if you don’t have specific ingredients on hand. Whilst some combos go better than others (it’s all about trial and error), it’s pretty easy to throw together certain fruits and vegetables and they always just seem to taste good. This one is filling and the addition of protein powder – plant based of course – means that this will not only give you an afternoon pick-me-up, but will carry you to the gym, too.

Get the recipe here.


23. Sweet Potato Fries


I’m sure some people will see sweet potato fries and shudder. After all, carbs don’t make for a healthy snack, right? WRONG! We’re all stuck under this bubble of misconception that carbs are bad for us and it’s carbs that make us gain weight. I’ve seen so many people that claim to steer clear of ‘carbs’ as a lifestyle rule. We need to all make friends with carbs and start to enjoy our foods and not restrict our bodies. Sweet potatoes hold so many beneficial properties for the body: mainly, they contain vitamin D which of course plays a huge role with our energy levels and moods. If you’re feeling tired and suffering dizzy spells you could be short on potassium, and guess what holds lots of potassium? Yep, sweet potatoes! Plus these taste way better than fast food fries.

Get the recipe here.


24. Spicy Chickpea Crackers with Chives


Crackers are another go-to snack that you should keep on hand. You can use them to dip into soup for a little added texture, smear them with vegan cashew cheese or almond butter or simply eat them on their own. They’re easy to dress up, and just as enjoyable dressed down. Make some on a Sunday and store them to enjoy during the week.

Get the recipe here.

25. Easy Guacamole


Tangy lime. Smooth avocado. Juicy tomato. What’s not to love about a super healthy, super chunky, good ol' guac? This is one of my favourite things ever to eat in Mexico – especially with those super-coarse tortillas made from traditionally grown, ancient Mexican maize…

Get the recipe here.


26. Easy Gluten Free Crackers


It’s sometimes not easy to snack when you’re gluten free. Everything from sandwiches and pizza to crackers and commercial granola bars will sometimes contain it. So why not make a batch of these easy, crispy crackers for yourself? Perfect with any of the dips above, or as I like to eat them: in soup.

Get the recipe here.


27. Popcorn Trail Mix


Yep, here it is again. Popcorn. At home I have an air popper, and boy do I use it! It creates the best crunchy, crispy popcorn with zero oil (you can find one online pretty easily). This trail mix will appeal to those who like their snacks sweet, not savoury, as it features a bit of dried fruit and cinnamon. So far, so healthy. For a savoury alternative, I'd try a mixing in some toasted almonds, sunflower seeds and maybe a few of the spicy chickpeas (recipe above), all sprinkled with a bit of A. Vogel Herbamare (if you haven’t tried this stuff yet – get some! Delish, and way tastier and healthier than salt).

Get the recipe here.

This article was originally published on www.eluxemagazine.com

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